
DECENT.EC debuts in Warsaw

Debuting in Warsaw

We are thrilled to announce that DECENT.EC, our innovative solution for decentralized and sustainable energy data management, is set to make its official debut on at the Peer2Peer Conference in Warsaw. Powered by blockchain technology and designed to foster collaboration and community, Decent.EC not only transforms the way energy data is managed but also connects stakeholders to build a more sustainable future. With the invaluable support of HERCULES-CE, we’re able to present DECENT.EC at this prestigious conference, showcasing how our platform is driving innovation and bringing people together around shared sustainability goals.

What is DECENT.EC?

Imagine a world where communities come together to manage their energy needs in a way that’s both sustainable and efficient. That’s exactly what DECENT.EC helps make possible.

DECENT.EC is a smart platform that empowers energy communities – groups of people working together to create their own sustainable energy solutions. Whether it’s solar power, EV charging, or heat pumps, DECENT.EC provides all the tools you need to manage your community’s energy use – and it’s easy to use!

With Decent EC, you get:

  • AI-powered tools that help you optimize energy use,
  • Simple yet powerful community management features,
  • The ability to track and manage solar panels, batteries, and EV chargers with ease.

But DECENT.EC isn’t just about tools. It’s about making energy management simple and accessible for everyone, from community leaders to everyday members. It helps you plan, register, and run your energy community, taking care of the details like invoicing and education along the way.

The best part? DECENT.EC supports your community every step of the way, helping you build a sustainable future without sacrificing comfort.


Curious about how DECENT.EC is shaping the future of energy management? Dive deeper and learn more about our platform’s potential by visiting our dedicated page.