
Introducing DECENT.EC: Empowering Sustainable Energy Communities

DECENT.EC is our comprehensive software solution designed to enable energy communities to achieve sustainable energy consumption without compromising on comfort.

With extensive expertise in energy management, particularly in optimizing EV charging, we have transformed this knowledge into DECENT.EC—a robust platform tailored for the unique needs of energy communities. Our platform provides all the necessary tools to establish, organize, and efficiently manage energy communities.

From inception to daily operations, DECENT.EC guides you through the intricate process of building an energy community. Our platform supports every step, including community planning based on local needs, registration, asset management (PV systems, batteries, EV chargers, heat pumps), invoicing, and community education.

DECENT.EC made its debut in Kistelek, a trailblazing residential renewable energy community in Hungary, where innovation and sustainability converge. The Kistelek Energy Community exemplifies a collaborative model where residents and the municipality join forces to create a self-sustaining energy ecosystem.


What is Decent? 

Decent stands for Decentralized, which refers to the types of Energy Communities we work with. We provide AI models to simulate DERs and calculate ROIs, community tools to organize the community, knowledge base articles to educate the members, hardware to build out an IoT network for data acquisition, and software to manage and operate the community (asset registration apps, virtual SCADA, Billing Portal). Read more (insert article)

What are Energy Communities?

An Energy Community is a self-organized group of individuals, social entities, or associations aiming to achieve a 100% renewable energy model. These communities generate energy from renewable sources like solar, wind, hydro, or biogas and prioritize social and environmental benefits. The members can save on their energy bills and collectively own the energy infrastructure and they play a crucial role in contributing to a greener planet. Read more

How to start an Energy Community?

To start an Energy Community you have to find a pre-existing group or create your own by raising awareness about the energy transition. Research is an essential step including understanding the objectives, the forms, the legal regulations, the possible challenges, and the funding options. After your research, these are the main steps of starting an Energy Community: 

  1. Clarifying the roles, objectives, and members
  2. Choosing the Legal Model
  3. Defining the Shared Energy Services
  4. Planning the social, energy, and economic impact
  5. Choosing the Financing Model 

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How to implement Shared Electric Mobility?

To implement shared electric mobility in an Energy Community, it’s crucial to understand your local environment and adapt services to minimize the impact by implementing “15-minute city” (a model prioritizing pedestrians and cyclists) principles and enhancing infrastructure by increasing bus frequencies, diversifying routes, and developing cycle roads. Throughout the process, you have to provide dedicated parking and charging spots and build a governance structure for decision-making within the community. Optimizing vehicle usage based on community needs is an essential step that helps reduce the environmental impact and improve mobility options. Read more (insert article)

How to achieve 100% Renewable Energy Generation?

Energy Communities can use various sources such as solar panels, wind, biogas, or biomass to achieve this objective. Improving energy efficiency is a key element, including reducing the impact of the current mobility model by reducing the necessity for travel and using public transportation. Another key element is discovering different heating and cooling solutions and choosing more sustainable options in our everyday lives. The aim is to use less energy for the same activities by implementing renewable energy usage. Read more

How can you contribute with self-consumption and collectively?

To help achieve 100% renewable energy generation in Energy Communities, members should focus on both self-consumption and collective efforts. Members can contribute by collective self-production, sharing the generated energy and consuming energy generated by the community, instead of buying electricity from the grid. This method reduces reliance on the grid and lowers costs. Read more


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